As a community of runners, we love to share our stories of inspiration and hear other runners' stories. If you’ve never explored the wonderful world of podcasts, you're in for a treat! There's an abundance of podcasts out there dedicated to running – turning people's running experiences and adventures into thought-provoking and entertaining conversations.
Whether you're looking for some inspiration, motivation or simply eager to learn from others' experiences, I have selected six of my favourite running podcasts to lend your ear to.
The Pyllon Ultra Pod podcast

The Pyllon Ultra Pod running podcast offers a humble reflection on what it is to “live the ultra running life” and how we can harness the transformative skills that we learn through the practice of running (and sports in general) and transfer them into other activities.
In every episode, the two experienced ultra runners Paul Giblin and James Stewart discuss one aspect of the sport and add in their own expertise. They tackle topics such as motivation, adaptability, adventure or identity and give a great outlook on life and how we can adopt a healthy mindset and forge our own path.
Their smart, cheerful and modest approach allows them to deliver powerful messages and provide discussions that are real food for thought!
Available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify
Salomon Après-Hour podcast

Get yourself a drink, sit back and relax. The Salomon Après-Hour running podcast is like this post run, post workout discussion with your buddies, but only with some of the most inspiring athletes of the world of outdoor sports. Easygoing and friendly, Tim Sweeney, head of Global Communication and PR at Salomon gets to explore and dig into some of Salomon athlete’s stories.
Each episode is dedicated to one athlete, including some pretty big guests like Kilian Jornet or Courtney Dauwalter. With this podcast, we dive a little deeper into their life, training and mentality and get their perspective on different topics.
You’ll be itching for a run after listening to them!
My favourite episode ~
I’ve got to admit that Kilian’s approach to running has always inspired me. So Episode 5 with Kilian is one of my favourites.
Available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify
West Highland Way Race podcast

The West Highland Way Race is highly prized, desired, and coveted within the Scottish ultra running scene. Completing it places you firmly within the fold of this big family! There is a special bond between all the runners who have conquered the iconic point to point 96-mile ultra distance race from Milngavie to Fort William. Something that only the volunteers, crews and runners can relate to.
In the West Highland Way Race podcast, John Kynaston interviews runners preparing for the forthcoming edition of the race or runners who have already completed it in the past. By taking an interest in the stories of these amateur runners, this podcast allows us to realise that the journey to an ultra is what matters most, and performance and times are only secondary.
The episodes, guests stories and experiences have an empowering effect: we can all relate to them. It might even give you the confidence you need to take on a challenge of this type.
My favourite episode ~
It’s hard to single out just one as the stories, whether they’re from front, middle or back of the pack runner, are always super interesting. But I enjoyed listening to Episode 154 with Rowan Boswood and Siobhan Killingbeck, as I ran the race that year too, alongside my colleagues (and pals) Will and Chiara. Read about our experiences here.
Available on the West Highland Way website.
Ginger Runner Live podcast

If you have never come across one of his YouTube videos before, the Ginger Runner can best be described as a genuine, passionate runner eager to learn and share running stories. He has built quite a community through his YouTube platform where he discusses new running shoes and gear. He also displays some of his own adventures.
In his podcasts, he and his wife Kim, welcome American trail runners from all horizons and talk about various topics, relevant to the episode’s guest. With more than 300 episodes available so far, the GRL podcasts are a real wealth of running stories. Each episode has a really good energy and the guests are providing great insights on an athlete’s successes, challenges and lessons learned through running.
My favourite episodes ~
I really enjoy them all, but if I had to pick I’d say GRL #292 with John Kelly (he has a great banter and some amazing experiences to share) and GRL #294 with Jade de la Rosa (interesting insight on her DNF experience).
Available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts & Spotify
Montane Further. Faster. Podcast.

Adventures can be waiting for you right on your doorstep. But sometimes they can simply be at the reach of a pair of headphones. We can live adventures through the stories of other people. And this is exactly what the Montane Further. Faster. podcast. has to offer. In association with the clothing and equipment brand Montane, they ask ultra athletes, mountaineers and adventurers the why and the how of what they do.
In these episodes we get to hear amazing stories from some super human people. You’ll end the podcast with a thirst for adventure and the willpower to make them happen at your own level.
My favourite episodes ~
Jasmin Paris special episode after her win at the Montane Spine Race is inspiring. Episode 11 with Dr Melanie Windridge is also one to listen to: her work and experience are quite fascinating.
Available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify
Tartan Running Shorts Podcast

Want to dive into the world of Scottish club running? The Tartan Running Shorts Podcast is a podcast designed to highlight and celebrate it. Its hosts' Tom Brian and Kyle Greig want to give a voice to those runners that we admire and aspire to be like, as well as discussing current racing events and running-related news headlines (AKA the Salazar Scandal and major advancements in shoe tech). Interviewing the likes of Steph Davis, Chris O'Hare, Finlay Wild and Robbie Simpson.
Each week, Tom and Kyle interview former and current running icons with a style that mimics sitting down with a mate at a pub. New to TRS? With now over 100 episodes and so much choice, start off by finding one featuring a runner you rate and dive in!
My favourite episodes ~
Episode 31 - Robbie Simpson, Tough Shift at the Hardmoor 80 and Return to XC. A great listen, if you want a true example of what this podcast is all about!
Available on SoundCloud & Apple Podcasts.
For more inspirational content, check out our 10 running books to inform and inspire you article next.